The following material was developed by the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) as the AAP Patient Page, May/June 2000, Vol. 1. No. 1. It is so vital to our new understanding of how periodontal disease is passed through families that I have reproduced it. 

      Researchers suggest periodontal disease can pass through saliva This means that the common contact of saliva in families may put children and couples at risk for contracting the periodontal disease of another family member.

Based on this research, The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) recognizes that treatment of gum disease may in­volve entire families. If one family member has periodontal disease, the AAP recommends that all family members see a dental pro­fessional for a periodontal disease screening.

Parents should also be aware that periodontal disease is not just an adult health problem. In fact, studies indicate that gingivitis is nearly a universal finding in chil­dren and adolescents. Gingivitis is the first level of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a bacterial gum infection that progresses over time and can become more advanced with age.

To ensure healthy teeth as an adult, good oral health habits should be established as a child. Parents can encourage good at-home oral health habits in children. For example, parents may want to reward children with visits from the tooth fairy not just when a tooth is lost, but also when a child receives a clean bill of health from the dentist.

Evidence shows that peri­odontal disease may increase during adolescence due to lack of motivation to practice oral hygiene. Children who maintain good oral health habits through the teen years are more likely to continue brushing and flossing than children who were not taught proper oral care.

Periodontal disease is a leading cause of tooth loss in adults. In addition, research has linked it to more serious health threats such as diabetes, cardio­vascular and respiratory disease, and preterm low birth weight babies.

Periodontists recommend remembering the basics. Replace toothbrushes every few months or when the bristles begin to look frayed. Floss daily to break up the bacterial colonies between teeth that can cause periodontal disease. And, seek dental care for professional cleanings, as well as screenings for periodontal disease.

For more information visit the AAP website at www.perio.org. Free informational brochures are available through their online request form.

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